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A Career In Network Marketing Empowers Women To Empower Others!

Network marketing is one of the only industries that actually give a person–any person– the chance to take back the American dream. And, there are no glass ceilings here for women! We can climb as high as we want to go and help as many people get there that want to come along with us, including our family.

Surveys conducted by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) revealed that approximately 85.2% of direct sellers are women. (For all you men out there, think of all the excellent opportunities you have to sponsor more women to grow your organizations.) Women are wired to network! And, women who network have the opportunity to empower others.

Maybe women are so talented at network marketing because they have this natural instinct to nurture and the ability to put another person’s needs before their own.   Women are usually great listeners and have been known to have eyes in the back of their heads! Perhaps this starts when a woman has a baby and that baby depends totally on her for support, therefore mom must put her needs aside to tend to her child first.

Network marketing can be the perfect choice for women who tend to struggle with the decision to build a career outside the home vs. build a business from within the home that embraces the entire family.   Placing our children in the care of others is not a pleasant thought, is it? I know it wasn’t for me, personally. This is one of the main reasons why I chose to build a career in network marketing and focus on treating it like any other career rather than treating it more like a hobby.

For me, working for someone else has never been appealing.  It has always brought to my mind the picture of the prisoner with the ole ball and chain around his leg. This gave me the incentive to stay focused in MLM and never give up no matter what.

Instead of a prisoner, my career is that of matchmaker. I have absolutely loved developing skills as a “connector” in network marketing. It’s actually become a lot of fun. Connecting people becomes a profession in itself.

It’s time for people to stop seeing the network marketing industry as a get rich quick lottery deal and start using more women’s intuition to advance the industry. When more people wake up to this phenomenal concept, we will begin to see a heck of a lot more growth in our profession.  And, women can be at the forefront just by learning to become better people “connectors.”

Walk into a networking event and watch how the women who realize the value of this concept conduct themselves.  They are going to most likely be the ones walking away with some valuable contacts after they’ve had a little match making fun.

When walking into your next networking event, try a little experiment. See how many people you can connect together.  Consider this a connect the dots experiment!  The more people you connect, the more referrals you’re going to walk out with!  Do not focus on yourself; instead, totally focus on others. Take a genuine interest in every person you are connecting with and listen to people because when you focus on what they are saying, they will give you clues. Keep your antenna up to pick up on those clues and when you sense any sort of negative vibes, that means back off, because you’re probably focusing too much on your own agenda and not on what’s important to whoever you’re talking to.

 After you introduce yourself, zero in on the individual. Ask what he/she does, what’s important to her/him, and then hold your tongue!  Ask her/him who would be a good referral for them to connect with, and then make sure you connect them with that referral by following through on what you say you are going to do.

A profession in network marketing allows women like me, who barely made it out of high school with no college degree, to build a solid career that pays as much or more than some people who have degrees. A network marketing career even pays someone when they’re not able to work. I experienced this firsthand when going through some serious health challenges. Through it all, my income was secure. With the exception of government assistance, where else can someone earn an income even if they are not able to work?

In network marketing, the income earned is determined by the effort each person decides to devote vs. taking a handout. It’s more of a hand up! Instead of giving people an apple to feed them for one day, we teach people to plant an apple orchard that will feed them for life. That’s what we do in network marketing every day when we empower others and teach them a new way to build their lives for the better.

This profession gives women incredible leadership and character growth, which I consider priceless as a woman who had no experience, income, credibility, contacts, little confidence, and no corporate background when starting out many years ago.  And, if I lost everything today, my confidence in my career has been built up to the point I know I could build my business back up all over again.

Experience, self-development, and leadership character is something to work at every single day and not something that’s handed out for nothing. Self-development is an ongoing process, no matter how successful a person becomes. The possibilities are endless in network marketing for the woman who sees what this profession really has to offer beyond just the income.

Some people get into network marketing with the ole “I’ll give it a try” attitude and never set their enterprise up like a real business entity right from the start. It’s not being treated like a real business because there’s no real plan.  Jim Rohn said, “When you fail, you failed to plan!”

When network marketing is treated more like a hobby, people may pick up on that attitude and say, “Oh, she’s just a stay at home mom with a little hobby on the side.”  Prove them wrong by developing the skills to boost your enterprise to a full time income career that can give you the leverage and freedom to do the important things you cherish–like having more time to take care of your family.

One of the main advantages to building a career in network marketing is the ability to provide opportunities for your children. Thanks to MLM, I’ve been able to really focus on supporting my son in his desire to become an excellent tennis player and obtain a college scholarship. It has been a big factor in his success! The same thing can happen for all women and really anyone who chooses to build a solid, lasting career in network marketing. Think of the possibilities.

When we do all the right things now, we will see the positive results come back to us in the near future.  Three, four or even five years are not much time to invest to achieve freedom that a career in network marketing can provide for women.   What does it matter as long as we get there, right?

As a woman, wife and mom, it’s been a sheer joy to create a career in network marketing. I’m extremely proud to be living in a country where women have the freedom to choose a profession and build it around the family.  I appreciate how this industry has empowered me personally as a woman.  It’s an honor to give back to the greatest opportunity in the history of the world and empower everyone whose lives I touch along the way!

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