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"3208 Pennington Dr. Wilmington, NC 28405"
United States


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At Chews-4-Health International, our mission and promise is to always live life embracing and pursuing change, recognizing what’s considered “the norm” and rising above those standards. We vow never to compromise our products and will always demand perfection, potency, natural affinity, bio-availability and superior absorption. We disagree with nutritionists who say, “You are what you eat.” Instead, we believe, “You are what you absorb!” We take the health of our customers very seriously and will always use the highest quality raw materials, thoroughly inspected for safety, purity, and performance. Good health doesn’t come TO YOU, it comes from WITHIN YOU. The good nutrients you bring to the inside of your body today will determine the health and happiness you will receive on the outside tomorrow. Chews-4-Health International produces the highest quality nutritional supplements guaranteed to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Through syndicated radio (including To Your Good Health Radio, hosted by our formulator Dr. Friedman), celebrity endorsements and national media exposure, our products have become household names! Chews-4-Health International represents health and wellness to the fullest degree.

“Good health doesn’t come TO YOU, it comes from WITHIN YOU.”