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Recruiting: Critical to Company Growth


Recruiting new people into your organization is how you get the breadth, the width and the depth of growing your organization. You have to think of your organization as a distributorship.

When you work with folks, you need to find out what their goals are. This is how you help people achieve their effortless prosperity. Effortless prosperity is helping people find out what takes 3 percent of their effort to get 100 percent return.

Maybe they’re good at communications, maybe they’re good at meeting people or maybe they have different skills. This is what you need to help people find out. It’s the only way you will build a diverse, skilled team.

When you come together as a team and you go into someone’s living room and you see a group of people, they all get the energy, they get the vibration, and people get on the train. That’s what I like to call it when a company goes into momentum because people follow people.

As an example: would you feel better about going to a restaurant that had a line going around the building three times or a restaurant that was empty? In that case it’s not hard to see which is likely to have the best menu.

Always get people into your organization for movement, for energy. Help other people develop secondary or tertiary sets of resources that will make additional income right away.

One argument to recruit people is the tax benefits of network marketing.

Another is the idea that a second stream of income is mandatory today.

I don’t know where you live or what industry you’re in, but I would tell you it would be foolish not to have a Plan B, no matter what economic climate there is. No matter what socioeconomic bracket you’re in, everybody needs a Plan B.

Remember, you are an independent distributor in a company that’s licensed to sell its products. No matter where you are or where you sell, you really want to focus on recruiting people to grow your business.

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