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Principles That Govern My Life

The strength and durability of a building is in its foundation. The same is true in a life. What we accomplish and the effect we have on those around us is not only in what we do, but also in who we are. In fact, what we do is driven by who we are, what…

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Nancy’s Gratitude List: my family, my work, little aspects that make life easier. Last, I am grateful for the benefits of gratitude. For a while now, I have had a hunch that gratitude works in our favor. The lesson of gratitude was brought home again when I spent the last few years of my mother’s…

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Surefire Ways to Develop a Thankful Attitude

Spend some time thinking about how good you have it. We know we have it good, but we don’t often spend time pondering it. Doing so will shape and mold your attitude and develop healthy thought patterns that will make you more thankful all of the time. As the old hymn goes, “count your blessings,…

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