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The DNA of Top Achievers


DNA is the source code that determines who we are. When we look at DNA we can see what a person will look like, what diseases they may come down with, and so on.

Is there a common DNA found in top achievers—a set of traits they all share? If they were to look, I think scientists would find these traits in the DNA of top achievers:

  1. A predisposition to setting high, lofty goals. Top achievers are people who won’t and can’t settle for the status quo. They see average as a place they want to keep in the rear-view mirror. They continually look for ways to stretch themselves—to get better, to do better, to be better. They set their sights on goals that others have never even thought of. They want to shoot so high that even if they miss, they go higher than everyone else.
  2. An ability to focus intently upon reaching their desired destination. Many people can set high goals, but just as many people get sidetracked by one thing or another on their way to those goals. Lofty goals usually take a while to attain, so there is always plenty of time to be tempted away from the paths that lead to them. Often, those things that sidetrack people are good things, but not the best things. Top achievers do not get sidetracked. They stay focused. They know where they are going. They have an ability to say no to the good things in order to get to the best things.
  3. The willingness to personally sacrifice in order to get to their goal. When the going gets tough, many people quit. When the going gets tough for top achievers, they remind themselves of their goals. They think about how the accomplishment and rewards behind those goals are worth pushing through momentary trials. They are willing to sacrifice personally in the short term in order to get the long-term prize. Keeping their eyes on the big picture helps them persevere through personal pain they may experience.
  4. A predisposition to tenacity. Tenacity is the ability to keep on going. Tough times? Keep on going! Financial troubles? Keep on going! People are non-supportive or unreliable? Keep on going! You look like a dreamer? Keep on going! Tired? Keep on going! Want to quit and take it easy? Keep on going! Just remember this: Keep on going! The prize is ahead. Many people quit just before they were to get the reward. Don’t let that happen. keep on going!
  5. The ability to see and make use of available resources. Top achievers know that they cannot be lone rangers on the way to the top. No one makes it by himself or herself. They recognize the weaknesses they have that—if they don’t get the help they need—can keep them from becoming top achievers. They see their resources—people, finances, sales tools, and so on—and work to get them into a helping position. And they don’t use them, they utilize them. There is a big difference!
  6. A desire to help others achieve more for themselves as well. The top achiever knows that they can make a difference for others by becoming a top achiever. They know that the wealth they make can feed the hungry. They know that the position of influence they achieve can open a door for someone who may not normally get a chance. True top achievers look at how they can bring many with them, not how they can leave many in the dust.

I think if we could get to the DNA of top achievers, the things we talked about above would be at the core and fiber of who they are. What about you? Do you recognize yourself at all when you read this list? I hope so! The good news about top achiever DNA, as opposed to real DNA, is that you can go out and work to get it. So if you lack a little in the above-mentioned “genes,” take heart—you can grow some of your own and become a top achiever yourself.


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