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Defining success in network marketing


Each decade as technology changes, the economy changes, and social stigmas change, so does the definition of success. In direct selling, getting rich—buying mansions, cars, and international vacations—used to be the picture of success, but times have changed. Today’s idea of success is more moderate.

From my observations, people define success in more than one way. Usually, these success metrics can be placed into the following categories: money, time, social status, and community give-back. What each person defines as success changes as what they value most in life changes. Once someone starts a family, their definition may change from money to time.

If you want to build a successful direct selling organization, you will want to observe which category each team member in your downline falls into. If you take the time to identify these motivating images of success you may be able to increase your team’s dedication to growing their business by simply reminding them of their reasons.

We often see these reasons labeled “why,” as in “what’s your why?” as in “why do you want to build a business?” S. Sinek said about the search for your “why,” that everyone needs a “why” to remain passionate about their work. He also said that the reason the topic of “why” is viral is because it is inherently optimistic (Sinek, 2009). If you are even somewhat convinced that you should learn the “why” of each of your team members to support them in growing your independent distributorships, then take a quick survey of a few of the kinds of “whys” people have. Your distributors might value:

● Going to soccer games in the middle of the week
● Providing products that change the lives, the health, or the financial freedom for others
● Working for themselves and not answering to a boss
● Avoiding long commutes each day
● Getting to travel and write it off as a business expense
● Working from home in order to be available for parenting
● Creating social status while sharing their personal success story
● Purchasing food and supplies for a week rather than each day
● Finding a way to subsidize the cost of a vehicle
● Providing nice creature comforts such as technology products, home improvements, and more

If you identify these motivational reasons within your team and help your team to add their “whys” to their story, they will begin to feel more optimism and courage in selling products and inviting people to join your team. Always join a team or company that has similar ideals in order to support your definition of success. I recently read an article from the Direct Selling Education Foundation which stated that AVON has a set of company goals which I see as in alignment with the newer success definitions of modern direct sellers.

The Principles That Guide Avon:

  1. To provide individuals an opportunity to earn in support of their well-being and happiness;
  2. To serve families throughout the world with products of the highest quality backed by a guarantee of satisfaction;
  3. To render a service to customers that is outstanding in its helpfulness and courtesy;
  4. To give full recognition to employees and Representatives, on whose contributions Avon depends
  5. To share with others the rewards of growth and success;
  6. To meet fully the obligations of corporate citizenship by contributing to the well-being of society and the environment in which its functions; and
  7. To maintain and cherish the friendly spirit of Avon.

The truth is, feeling supported and understood can empower us to expand our horizons and grow our network of customers, contacts, and friendships. It would be my desire that this activity brings more effectiveness to weekly conference calls with your team, individual coaching sessions, and finding ways to incentivize your team. In the words of Ralph Nichols, “the most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.”


Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why. New York: Portfolio. Start With Why..? Reprint edition: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action ! eBook: Simon Sinek: Kindle Store. (2016). Retrieved 7 March 2016, from

(2016). Retrieved 7 March 2016, from

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